An award-winning, independent pet food maker needed help designing a custom system to create dog and cat food from fresh regional ingredients. The system was designed to heat, mix, and blend fats and oils. Cheme’s unique heat-sanitized continuous mixing system was designed to save capital costs and reduce construction time while also eliminating bottlenecks and reducing waste.
Cheme’s engineering team provided an innovative solution that increased total fat and oils material utilization to 99%, and reduced the overall equipment footprint to 25% of a typical design. The system is also heat sanitized using the same fats and oils used in the product, whereas typical systems use water and detergent for cleaning which adds a layer of risk to the product quality. Heat sanitization provides a more effective microbe elimination method than water and detergent, and eliminates potential for product contamination with detergent.
Cheme was also responsible for leading the commissioning effort, helping with the install and start up of systems on site. Our team worked with the client’s plant automation team to facilitate startup and to ensure the fats and oils system was fully integrated.
Cheme was challenged with engineering and designing the meat transportation system, which transported meat under high pressures to the extruder for kibble production. However, Cheme’s commissioning and troubleshooting experience was able to get the entire fats and oils system up and running on time.
Alberta, Canada
~ 100,000 sqft
Pet Food Manufacturer
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